
Chateau Briant’s Genovieve 9*M N1806712

Purebred Nubian

DOB – April 15, 2016

Production Records

AgeDaysLbs Milk% Fatlbs Fat% Protlbs Prot

Dam: GCH Chateau Briants Ginneva

Genovieve is developing into a tremendous doe with excellent body combined with dairyness.  She matured with all of the qualities into an excellent doe.  Genovieve consistently placed in the top part of her class and won first place at both Cumberland and Fryeburg Fairs.

Pictured at left is Genovieve’s dam, Ginneva, who earned her permanent championship.

Bred to: GCH Chateau Briant’s Gabrial

Due Date:  April 15, 2023.  One doe kid is reserved

Show Wins Record
Best Doe in Show
Best of Breed
Grand Champion
1Reserve Grand Champion
Linear Appraisal Scores
2-4FS 85V+E+
3-5FS 88VVEV
5-4FS 90VEEV

SS: ++*B SGCH Kismet Marvins Smooth Operator N0711303
Sire: *B CH Mystique SO Lady’s Adagio N1476889 (FS 88 VVE)

SD: GCH Mystique AG Lady’ N Black 9*M N1308644

Chateau Briant’s Genovieve 9*M N1806712
DS:  +*B GCH Kastdemur’s Atlas N1384549 (FS 91 EEE)
Dam:  GCH Chateau Briant’s Ginneva 8*M N1516902
DD: Chateau Briant’s Gina 7*M N1350511 (FS 89 EEVE)